You spend all year looking forward to a holiday and a few days before you’re due to leave, it hits you: the sheer amount of organisation required when travelling with your kids, and consequently, the sheer amount of stress it causes. We’re not going to pretend that there is some magical way to relieve all this tension, but there are could be a few small changes you can make so that the whole process is a tiny bit easier.

Putting the wrong things (and missing out the right things) in your family hand luggage can make all the difference to a plan journey, so here are some tips on what to include before you pile everyone into the car, drive to the airport, park and fly. The first thing you should do is separate out the bags so the kids have their own small backpacks to carry, and we’ve put the recommended items into these two categories:

Your Bag

Wipes – Either anti-bacterial or baby wipes, these are great no matter how old your kids are because who wants to get up to use the tiny sink in the aeroplane toilet every single time the children get their hands sticky?

Plastic Bags – Wherever there are children, there will be rubbish. Kids generate an extraordinary amount of litter, so until the air attendants come around with their trolley, have a bag to hand to collect it all in. And bring a second one just in case one of your brood feels ill and you don’t have a suitable vessel to hand (just make sure it doesn’t have any holes in).

A Change of Clothes – If you can spare the room in your bag, a change of clothes is advisable, even if it’s just another top. Younger children like to spill stuff and a lot of it tends to go on you. Oh, and maybe put aside yet another plastic bag to put any dirty clothes in too.

Medicine – Now, as with anything you put in your hand luggage, always check airline and airport guidelines on what liquids you can carry and in what quantities. Small sachets of a children’s painkiller such as Calpol is always a good idea in case they don’t fare well with the ear-popping and cabin pressure.

Snacks – Best to keep these in your bag so you can monitor how much you have left, and it also might be worth considering taking something as a treat as well as healthier options. Kids get very bored waiting around in airports and you might need a bribe or two to hand.

Their Bag

A Tablet – They’ve embedded themselves so far into our worlds that it’s now unthinkable to travel without one, but a few things to remember – get it as fully charged as possible before you leave the house (and charge in the car on the way to the airport if parking there), and of course, remember to bring the charger in your hand luggage. Also, download a decent amount of TV shows and films so they’ve got a wide choice of entertainment.

Notepad and Crayons – But we cannot rely on screens alone. Even the most patient of children are bound to get bored and fidgety so need other more tangible forms of amusement. A new notepad can provide opportunities for drawing, writing and making their own word games, and if you have younger children, we recommend crayons rather than pens so you don’t have to worry about lids rolling all over the floor.

A Book – One that they actually love and will want to read, rather than one that you think they should be reading. This is not the time to foist educational materials on your kids.

A Favourite Toy or Comforter – No one likes unfamiliar surroundings, and you can’t get more unfamiliar or uncomfortable than an aeroplane. A favourite toy or comforting item could make all the difference.

A Change of Clothes – Again. Because whether it’s due to sickness, or because they spill a drink all over themselves, you always need a back-up.

Before you even pack your bags, another thing to consider is how you can minimise the stress involved in having to get to the airport. Using public transport might seem like the cheaper option, but with several bags as well as children in tow, budget airport car parking could be a much more viable option. You can find good prices using airport parking comparison tools and by booking a space well in advance. And at least that will be one less thing to worry about…